Thursday, February 1, 2007

Last Report from Germany!

So... it is ten o'clock pm (22:00) and I'm about to go to bed.

My father is driving me to the airport, and we will leave my parents' house at 6:00 am!!!

The next report - from Beirut Lebanon!
(Ciao, bis bald!)


Anonymous said...

na dann mal viel glück und spass in le/ibanon (wie nun?) (: pass auf dass dein Flugzeug nicht abstürzt ;)

DeliaISN said...

Hi Duane
How are you?
You have to be already in Beirut
Did you get our Poster???

Duane March said...

Yes, I have been in Beirut since Friday!
I will write a new Blog-entry (Eintrag) today!

Schau regelmässig vorbei...

No, I did not get your poster. Did you send it by email or by post?