Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Saying Good-bye / Abschied nehmen

Yes, today was rather sad.

This week I had to say good-bye to my History, English and Latin pupils. Today was my last day.

Some classes gave me some farewell presents. My 7b History / Latin class gave me a picture (and some wine and brandy!).

Four girls from my Latin 8a and 8b gave me some letters to start a pen-pal relationship with pupils at the ACS in Beirut.

I had a good time at Edenkoben amidst the vineyards of Germany. Now we'll see what Beirut offers.

Less than two days and I will be in Beirut!


Anonymous said...

How is the salary at ACS?

Anonymous said...

Are you a real doctor... do you have a PhD?

Duane March said...

Yes, I earned my Ph.D. at the University of California, Berkeley in Ancient History and Mediterranean Archaeology

Duane March said...

The salary at ACS?
A bit less gross than in Germany, but the ACS is paying my apartment and utilities (energy, water, etc...).
All told I'm doing a little better there financially (but not much better).

DeliaISN said...

Hi Duane
How are you?
I hope you had a good flight!!!
Did you get our poster?

Duane March said...

No, I did not get your poster.
I was no longer in the apartment when you put it in the mailbox there.

Anonymous said...

Hi! Die 7c wünscht ihnen einen guten Start als Lehrer in der neuen Schule und viele liebe Grüße!

P.S. Bekommen wir BITTE ihre ICQ-Nummer? Bitte! :)

Ihre 7c!!!

Duane March said...

Hallo 7c

für meine ICQ gehe auf der Blogsite auf meinem Profil und auf Mein Profil vollständig anzeigen klicken!