I'm sorry it has been a long time, but I've been quite busy and did not know what to write!

At the end of April I went to Cyprus (Zypern) for two days. It was very nice: the weather was sunny and the beach was good and I got to practice my Greek (kal' imera!)

My classes have kept me very busy. Now the last few weeks of school are coming and my students (and I) have a lot to do. I am teaching my ninth grade about the ancient Greeks (next week: Alexander the Great) and I will teach my tenth grade about Germany and Otto von Bismarck!
Next year I will be an advisor for "Model United Nations" (So eine UNO bestehend aus Schüler/innen aus aller Welt). The students debate about issues and vote on resolutions). Two or three times we will travel to other countries and meet students from other countries.
As you may have heard, the last seven days have been a little disturbing here in Lebanon. There is an extreme Palastinian group causing trouble in the north and a few bombs went off in Beirut. One bomb exploded about 1 kilometer from where I live.
Many of my friends are worried about me, but I do not feel so unsafe. The school is open and I walked around the city a bit today. Everyone is concerned, but also hopeful that things will calm down (sich beruhigen).
I am coming to Germany for five weeks beginning June 19th, so maybe I can come by Gymnasium Edenkoben (?). So maybe we will see each other soon!
Maa salameh!