Beirut is a great place for food and entertainment!
Shops have everything you could want. Many clothing stores stay open until after 9 pm. There are many restaurants offering Lebanese, American, French, Chinese food and Sushi!
Many snack stands (Imbissbuden) sell sandwiches and salads, and you can buy a BIG sandwich for 1,50 - 2 EUR !

Lebanese sandwiches are similar to (ähneln) Turkish sandwiches, but there is a very large variety. They are made in many different ways. They taste very good!

You can also get other sandwiches too.
Near my apartment there is a "Dominoes Pizza" (US-Pizza-Kette) place, a McDonalds, a Burger King and a Subway sandwich shop. A Starbucks coffee shop is also not far away.

There are also drink-stands selling BIG glasses of fresh-squeezed (frisch gepresste) fruit juices - orange, kiwi, pomegranate (Granatapfel), banana, pineapple (Ananas), mango, etc. - for less than one EUR.
Even the price of gasoline (Benzin) is very low - only about $2,60 per Gallon (nur etwa 0,50 EUR pro Liter). But I am not eager (ich bin nicht scharf drauf) to drive here. They drive crazy here and you have to be careful when crossing a street!
At night there are many pubs, clubs, discos and restaurants open until 2 or 3 am! The Lebanes like to have entertainment and they don't let politics keep them from having fun.

I like to go to the "Hard Rock Cafe" on Friday nights because then they have karaoke. Yes, I sing one or two songs when I go!
Of course I do actually work and need to prepare lessons for the week now.
By the way (übrigens), I am also forming a German Club (Deutschklub) at the school. Many students are interested.
Germany and Germans enjoy a good reputation (geniessen einen guten Ruf) here.
Well, I will say more later!